"" Rambo Body Fitness – Build Muscle, Burn Fat, Get Strong: April 2021


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Saturday, April 10, 2021

The Benefits of Weightlifting

I was into the martial arts and training with weights was extremely beneficial. It gave me that extra incentive that I needed, especially during competition. It added strength and power to my kicks and punches, as well as resistance. It also helped me take a punch or a kick as well. And  believe me, I got kicked and punched a lot.

From martial arts, it took me to bodybuilding, where not only the benefits were building a body to be proud of, but also made me flourish in all aspects of life. It made me more confident, more productive at work, and eventually a more happier person. 

As a trainer, I've had the blessing of having the experience training professional athletes, from baseball to basketball, to boxing. I'm a witness to the success of these athletes and the benefits of weightlifting in their careers.

In the sport of life, I've also witnessed how weight training has benefited lots of people that I've trained, that have had either health issues or personal issues, or both. 
And of course, I speak from my own experience,  regarding a serious accident I suffered back in 2002. I thank God first and foremost, and secondly, I thank weighttraining.

It took a serious toll on my body and mind. It deprived me from working out for a year. It ruined my plans to get a pro card in bodybuilding. sustained serious injuries, including herniated discs, spinal fracture, and emotionally I was devastated.

But after that year I got up determined to get to a gym and work for my own sake and health.

So it wasn't just about bodybuilding anymore. It was about battling pain, frustration, and the inner demons crawling in my mind. Depression can be a bitch, and sometimes you have to deal with it the hard way. 

Weight training has its major benefits when dealing with health issues, especially mental issues. For starters, I stopped medicating for depression. My mindset got stronger. It made me overcome physical and emotional challenges. It has made me want to see it all through the end. 

So as you can see, weight training is not just beneficial in terms of having a great body, or having the knowledge and experience in the personal training field for bodybuilding or any sport, but the health benefits are even greater.

The best medicine for physical and mental health, in my opinion. 

Raise Testosterone Levels Naturally  and Effectively.

Sunday, April 04, 2021

HyperGH 14x: A Natural Edge For More Muscle

What is HyperGH 14x?

Before we answer this question, ask yourself what you love about women. Well, there are many things to love about the female species. Some guys love a lady's posterior. Others love the breasts that only a woman can flaunt. And some of us like a little of both.

Now ask a woman what she likes about the male physique. You'll get various answers, ranging from a nice smile to specific body parts. But the more you press a woman, the more you'll find a universal truth about women and what they love about the masculine body.

Women love a guy with muscles. Duh.

And this is one of several reasons why the makers of HyperGH 14x created this dietary supplement HGH releaser, formulated specifically for muscle growth and development. Benefits include:

  • increased lean muscle mass
  • reduced body fat
  • more energy
  • greater results from similar workouts
  • faster recovery time

HyperGH 14x is designed for men of all ages, be they in their twenties or higher up on the yearly scale. Same product, focussed benefit. But the result is clear: a natural boost in the gym, for more muscles and increased sex appeal.

Not Another HGH Releaser

HyperGH 14x is designed specifically for muscle growth, with an natural boost of energy, faster recovery and increased muscle tone.

Growth hormone plays a key role in muscle development and maintenance. In particular, the influence it has on exercise-induced growth hormone response (EIGR), in which high intensity training stimulates release of growth hormone, is of interest to men who want natural and sustainable growth of muscles.

An HGH releaser formulated for muscle growth is designed to stimulate larger natural pulse releases of growth hormone, for increased exercise capacity and better recovery. The result of this? More muscle.

Moreover, such a product should work with your circadian rhythm and your body's natural cycles. Research shows that growth hormone is released in pulses that typically spike before bed. Should you be interested in an HGH releaser for muscle development, it's advisable to pursue a product to be taken right when you get up and again before bed.

For the Young Gun

The young guys will like this: an HGH releaser is substantially safer than both synthetic HGH and those infamous anabolic steroids.

Neither of these aforementioned treatments, when taken outside of medicinal purposes - and let's be honest, steroids are usually taken for muscle growth - are sustainable over the long-term, nor are they safe when used to get big in the gym. Side effects of steroids, and to a lesser extent, synthetic HGH? Acne, bleeding, shrunken testicles, impotence, intense mood swings, hair loss, risk of cancer...

An HGH releaser for muscle growth is a safe and natural option, with herbals and amino acids rather than synthetic drugs that can damage one's health, to say nothing about what steroids can do to one's looks. Shrunken testicles and permanent damage to your sperm? Doubtful the ladies would like that.

For the Baby Boomer

Think muscles are just for the young guys? Hardly. Joe Weider did pretty good for himself and he was in his nineties. Jack Lalanne was pretty darn fit and with daily workouts til his last day in this life. His age? Ninety-six.

That said, these guys were devout bodybuilders right up til the end. Not all of us have that kind of devotion. But it's certainly possible to have enough muscle to get those sexy looks from the ladies that, admit it, we all love, when we doff the shirt come a warm summer day.

For that individual, an HGH releaser designed for muscle growth and development can encourage the natural growth hormone required for more energy, muscle tone, strength and bone density. More over, considering the average man loses ten per cent of his growth hormone each decade after 40, natural growth hormone therapy is advisable.

With 10,000 Americans hitting the 60 year mark each day, seniors want to look young and live well, with better skin, less fat, more lean muscle tone and perhaps even a modicum of sex appeal.

To do this, choose a natural supplement, with ingredients that are proven to stimulate growth hormone and one that's safe for long-term use.

Enter the HGH releaser for muscle growth.

For You

If this speaks to you, and you're looking for a natural edge for more energy and muscle growth and retention, consider an HGH releaser designed for the gym.

Your criteria should be specific: you're looking for an HGH releaser with a high enough dose that you'll see results from your time in the weight room, yet well within safe levels.

As well, you'd do well to purchase a product that's manufactured in a cGMP-compliant facility to ensure the highest standards and purity of the ingredients used within. If it has an oral spray with Alpha-GPC, that's great, as studies show that Alpha-GPC can increase muscle contractions during a good workout and with growth hormone release to match.

Finally, look for an HGH releaser with live 24/7 customer support and a firm money-back guarantee. That's a sign that the company stands by the product enough to know not only that it works, it works very well.

In other words, for safe and sustainable muscle tone that will have the ladies looking at your chiselled physique, buy HyperGH 14x. Your edge in the gym.

Raspberry ketone has been a hot topic of discussion in both mainstream and natural health media.



Exercise and Nutrition1 is dedicated to fitness, sports and health. I want to give my readers information about how to achieve their physical goals and how to obtain maximum benefits from exercise, supplements and nutrition. My main goal is to help you understand how to perform exercises the best and safest way possible, what exercise routine works better for a certain sport or goal, and how to improve your body throughout nutritional tips as well as staying healthy. As a blogger, my content may include affiliate links from advertisers. I may earn money from actions readers take on these links when and if they purchase. However, these are the tools that I recommend fully and have helped me physically and mentally, (I`m in my mid 50`s) and have helped my blog tremendously.These affiliate companies are Transparent Labs,Wolfson Brand, SellHealth, HealthyGen, and MarketHealth, all well-known recognized companies with a solid reputation and the best products on the market.

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San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States
Experienced Personal Trainer with a demonstrated history of working in the health wellness and fitness industry. Skilled in Weight Loss Coaching, Agility, Exercise Prescription, Injury Prevention, and Nutrition. Strong community and social services, professional graduated from Pont. Catholic University of Puerto Rico.I`m a personal trainer and bodybuilder, having competed in many bodybuilding shows nationally and internationally, with a solid knowledge in exercise,nutrition, and sports supplements.

Affiliate Disclosure

Welcome to my exercise and nutrition and affiliate supplement blog! Here, I aim to provide you with access to high-quality supplements that can support your health and fitness goals. I have personally researched and selected these supplements based on their reputation, ingredient quality, and effectiveness. The supplements I recommend are sourced from reputable brands known for their commitment to quality and safety. They undergo rigorous testing and adhere to industry standards to ensure purity and potency. These supplements are formulated with scientifically-backed ingredients that are known to have beneficial effects on various aspects of health and fitness. I believe in these supplements because I have personally used them and experienced positive results. They have helped me achieve my fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, I have received positive feedback from others who have tried these products. Please note that individual results may vary, and it's always important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. I may earn a small commission from purchases made through these affiliate links, which helps support the maintenance and growth of this platform. I appreciate your trust in my recommendations, and I'm committed to providing valuable information and products that can enhance your fitness journey. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out. Stay healthy and strong!