Showing posts with label training. Show all posts
Showing posts with label training. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 11, 2023

Is It Possible To Outtrain A Poor Diet?

You can't outtrain a poor diet, according to an old saying. But in unexpected ways, exercise might assist you in creating better eating habits.

According to research, regular exercise increases your desire for healthy foods like fruits and vegetables.

At Indiana University, researchers looked at the "transfer effect." As you make progress in one area of your life, it tends to affect other connected areas as well. In the study, participants who made a commitment to exercising for at least 30 minutes four times a week began consuming more fruits and vegetables.

Although it might not sound revolutionary, there is a greater takeaway: if you are having trouble forming a new healthy habit or behavior, start with a simpler healthy activity. If you can practice that conduct consistently, it can lead to healthier behaviors that were previously challenging.

We tend to underestimate our own capacity for error, which contributes to our failure to achieve our objectives. But it doesn't have to be that way; there are stress-free, less restrictive diet plans that allow you to eat what you want and develop healthy habits.

If eating fruits and veggies is difficult for you, it would be best to start with taking four weekly walks to see if that will help you adopt other behaviors.

Too frequently, people struggle because they're fixated on perfecting a particular healthy practice rather than any healthy habit. Perfection shouldn't get in the way of advancement.

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Friday, August 07, 2020

The Do's And Don'ts of Bodybuilding

Luis Hernandez

There are some things guaranteed to bring you closer to your goals, and there are some things that will trip you up. Here are the top ten do's and don'ts of bodybuilding.


1. Be persistent

Quitters never win and winners never quit-an old cliche that holds very true in bodybuilding. Ask the biggest guy in the gym how many workouts he has missed over the past few years and odds are he can count them on one hand-if that much.

2. Stick with the basics

Don't forget the classic meat-and-potato exercises that build core strength. Make sure to include a healthy dose of heavy bench presses, deadlifts, squats, t-bar rows, military presses and weighted dips and chins in your workouts.

3. Set goals

If you don't know your destination, how can you tell if you're lost? Set small, realistic goals for yourself that you can track by the month. For example, rather than "get in shape" or "earn a pro card", aim to "add one inch to my arms by January 1st" or "increase my one-rep max by 20 lbs. in 2 months".

4. Think positive

Be realistic, but never doubt your ability to stick to a training schedule or diet. Remind yourself of your goals and visualize yourself in the shape you want to be several times a day.

5. Eat enough to grow

Chugging protein drinks is good, but protein in itself is not enough-you need to consistently supply your body with excess calories to enable optimal growth. Consume an extra 500 calories per day and worry about trimming potential fat when you've packed on some muscle.

6. Drink lots of water

Drinking water before and during your workout prevents the dehydration-sluggishness that can set in halfway through the workout. Water also helps the metabolism run smoothly and keeps the kidneys well flushed.

7. Stretch

Stretching decreases the recovery time and reduces the risk of injury. It also prevents muscle shortening and resulting imbalances that can lead to more serious injuries down the road.

8. Have a postworkout drink

Having a drink with 50 grams of sugar (dextrose), 40 grams of whey protein, 5 grams of glutamine and 5 grams of creatine immediately after training helps put a quick end to training-induced catabolism and kicks you into growth mode in a hurry.

9. Be open to new ideas and listen to what your partner tells you.

If he says you sway too much when curling the bar, chances are you just might have picked up a bad habit in spite of your experience.

10. Ignore the idiots

While you should listen to sensible advice, you can safely shrug off self-appointed "experts" who claim to know everything. Don't waste time listening to naysayers who doubt your capability either-you don't need the negativity.


1. Overtrain

Don't let your enthusiasm get the better of you-train just enough to trigger growth, then get the hell out of the gym! Rest until the soreness is gone, then hit the muscle again.

2. Focus only on how much weight is on the bar

Beginners with more ego than brains tend to load on way too much weight in an effort to impress, only to look like total fools when they strugle to do even one rep. Don't be that guy- stick with a weight you can handle.

3. Play favorites

Some exercise are more fun than others, but that does'nt mean you should do them every workout. Keep all your exercises on a rotating schedule and keep your muscles guessing to avoid the dreaded plateau.

4. Skip warm-up

Warming up elevates the body temperature and readies your joints for the heavy lifting. Skipping the warm-up makes the risk of injury skyrocket.

5. Ignore pain

There are two types of pain: muscle pain, caused by grueling reps with big weights, and joint pain, caused by imminent injury. Don't let your ego get the better of your judgement-stop immediately if your joints hurt.

6. Lose focus

The only acceptable talking between sets is to psyche up your partner. Save the chit-chat with the hotties for later. You're in the gym to beat the tar out of your muscles, nothing else.

7. Try to gain muscle and lose fat at the same time

It is almost impossible to chase two rabbits at the same time. Focus on one goal first, then switch to the other.

8. Rely on wraps and straps

There is a time and place for wrapping your knees and wrists-but every single workout? No way Jose, save it for the record-breaking lifts, when you really need the extra support. The same goes for straps: if your grip gives in before your back, use straps but make sure to work on your grip strength on biceps day.

9. Ignore muscle balance

It's easy to put more effort into training quads than hamstrings simply because you can see them in the mirror. Likewise, rear delts generally get less attention than front and medial delts. This is a mistake-the more unevenly strong your muscles get, the higher the risk of injury. Aim to train ALL muscles relatively equally.

10. Complaining

Nobody likes a whiner, especially not one complaining about how much more he lifted "just last week". You're a bodybuilder by choice. If it were easy, everybody would do it, so shut up and suck it up.

Till next time,

Friday, July 17, 2020

Rotate Muscle Groups

Circuit training is an ideal method for simultaneously improving strength, mobility, and stamina. 

The format utilizes strength exercises that focus on a particular area of your body: upper body, core and trunk, lower body, and full body. The key to optimizing core training is to alternate your workouts, allowing each body region to rest for two to three days before repeating the workout. During the off days, those specific muscle areas will recover and grow stronger. Do exercise each area more than once a week though; otherwise the muscles will have no reason to grow stronger.

Here's an example:
Day 1
Chest and Biceps
Day 2
Legs and Abdominals
Day 3
Day 4
Back, Triceps and Abdominals
Day 5
Shoulders and Traps
Day 6
Day 7
Repeat cycle
There will always be a part of your body that will be repeated twice a week as you rotate the cycle.
Questions, answers, leave a comment.
Till next time,

Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Train Larger Before Smaller

Do not train triceps or delts ( shoulders) before chest, biceps before back, or forearms before any upper bodypart.

You see, if you exaust a smaller muscle group before blasting a larger muscle, you will not have the same strength for the latter group.

However, there are exceptions. Lets say you have a weak tricep muscle, and your chest is a strong point in your musculature, you could actually train your triceps first to emphasize priority on your weak parts. 

Whenever you decide to work on triceps first, however, don`t do bench presses or dips. There is another exception due to the way this muscle is built and can be reversed: the hamstring before the quadriceps. 

The hamstrings are a large muscle group and can absorb the punishment before a quad workout, and also can help to bring balance in cases where the quads are not paired with the hamstring. Also, if noticed, whenever there is a quad workout, especially a heavy duty one with much compound lifts like squats and leg presses, it stresses the hamstring as well. 

So if you work on the leg curls first, you will give an extra work during the lifts for the quads, thus improving if it is also a weak point. 

Questions, comments, POST THEM DUDE!
Till next time,


Weight Training for Women

Ladies who are concerned about and intimidated by weight training often bombard me with the following questions:

Will weight training make me big and bulky?

NO. I mean, if you don`t want it to! Remember, there are females that pursue bodybuilding as a carreer, so you know that they do want to get big. However, weight training can be done in many ways.

Different results can be attained by lifting varied amounts of weight for different numbers of repetitions. Properly done, weight training can result in the tone and tight physique that so many women strive to attain.

Weight Training for Women

How do I know if I am performing the exercise correctly?

There are many valuable resources that can be tapped into to learn proper form in weight training. Check in your gym and find out what they offer in the area of personal training. Some offer one on one training sessions and even those that don`t, often have certified trainers on staff to answer questions and check your form. 

There are also many books and websites (like this one) that offer examples and detailed descriptions of exercises.You may even take it a step further and get certified as a personal fitness trainer yourself! It is priceless knowledge that you can use for your own personal gain and share with others that also need guidance! Wherever you go for guidance on form and safety, in any exercise program, please make sure that they are educated, experienced, and certified in the field.

Weight Training for Women

How do I know how much weight to use?

There are a lot of factors to consider when determining the amount of weight to lift. It is important, before starting any new training program, to consult with your physician. After clearance has been given, there are some basic guidelines to follow. To achieve a tighter and more tone body, lift a lighter weight for more repetitions. A weight that you can lift for about 15 reps per set is a good start.

However, if you are striving for increased muscle size, you need to lift heavier weights for less repetitions. A weight you can lift for about 6 to 8 reps is a good range, in that case. Actual amounts of weight will vary person to person.

Weight Training for Women

Will weight training aid in weight loss?

Yes! Most importantly, it will aid in FAT LOSS! Weight training is a crucial part of healthy weight loss. The magic combination of weight training, cardiovascular exercise, proper diet, and supplementation adds up to a healthy, tone, and tight body. The absence of any of these elements will drastically hinder your progress. If weight training is eliminated from the equation, it can result in the loss of muscle instead of fat!

Weight Training for Women

Are there any exercises that I should avoid because I am female?

No! There are no exercises that should be avoided solely due to gender! However, the first concern, for either gender, is safety! Medical conditions, hereditary conditions, and personal capabilities should all be taken into consideration when choosing exercises. The golden rule is if you are performing an exercise and start to experience pain, aside from normal training burn, stop immediately! Working through the pain can result in serious injury.

So, if you are not sure how to lift weights, or what effects it will have, I hope that this helped that certain uncomfortability about weight training. Remember, with the proper program, you can achieve physique changes that you never dreamed possible! Best of luck!

Till next time,

Weight Training for Women

Thursday, October 03, 2013

Should you use SUPPLEMENTS?

The American Dietetic Association, Dietitians of Canada, and the American College of Sports Medicine all recognize that physical activity, athletic performance, and recovery are enhanced by optimal nutrition.

Eating the right foods and drinking enough fluid before, during, and after exercise can help maintain blood glucose during exercise, maximize exercise performance, and improve recovery time. Your diet should include carbohydrates, proteins, and fluids appropriate to your weight, constitution, and activity level, with 60 percent of calories coming from carbohydrates, and a protein intake of 1.2 to 2 grams per kg per day.

Adequate fat intake is also necessary to provide the essential fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins and help provide adequate energy. If you're eating a varied diet that is adequated to maintain body weight, vitamin and mineral supplementation is generally not necessary. However, it does'nt hurt to take supplements on the side to re-enforce nutritional needs, especially those who train at high levels of intensity. In some cases, supplementation with B vitamins, zinc, and chromium may optimize carbohydrate metabolism.

Consuming sports drinks containing carbohydrates and electrolytes helps to maintain blood glucose and control thirst during your workout and decreases the risk of dehydration. Short-term supplementation with creatine-one of the more popular ergogenic ( performance enchancing) aids-taken within the recomended dosages, can improve performance during repeated high-intensity exercise. Individual needs should be addressed with a qualified nutrition expert.

Any questions feel free to ask them please.

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Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Take Care Of Yourself

A Matter of Attitude 

It all comes to this; Attitude, the way you feel towards yourself and how bad do you really want it. It`s also a matter of the heart. Yes, heart. Have you ever heard the expression, "He has no heart" or "she has no heart"? That precisely means that if you do , you`re going to achieve whatever your heart desires. If you don`t, then simply put, you will not advance in any aspect of your life. Whether it`s a sport, or a job, or family matters, or whatever may be the battle, because that`s what life is all about, a constant battle, you will not overcome or achieve anything if you don`t have the right attitude. It`s also a matter of positive thinking, trusting God, facing the giants of life, no matter what shows up. When we believe in God, and trust Him, and obtain the wisdom and the right attitude to face problems in life and believe that you can do anything that you set your mind to do, then and only then you will overcome obstacles and succeed. 

An Adequate Diet 

Maintaining good health is vital. If there`s no health, there`s nothing that can be achieved in life. You can`t work if your health is at risk, you can`t perform in sports, simply put, there is nothing that can be done if you`re not healthy. Good nutrition is the inicial key of a long and healthy life. If weakened by poor nutrition, this could lead to health complications that will deteriorate physical and mental organisms. 

Exercise: Work for It ! 

In conjunction with good nutrition, there`s got to be some exercise done. This helps in so many ways. Think about the benefits; feel younger, look younger, be healthy, be strong, have better stamina, have a higher self-esteem, be more confident about yourself. There are so many good reasons to perform exercise and sports, I just don`t understand how you`re still on your seat. 

Get up! Be Inspired! Get Motivated! Work for It! To your health!

Till next time,

Try it for yourself!



Exercise and Nutrition1 is dedicated to fitness, sports and health. I want to give my readers information about how to achieve their physical goals and how to obtain maximum benefits from exercise, supplements and nutrition. My main goal is to help you understand how to perform exercises the best and safest way possible, what exercise routine works better for a certain sport or goal, and how to improve your body throughout nutritional tips as well as staying healthy. As a blogger, my content may include affiliate links from advertisers. I may earn money from actions readers take on these links when and if they purchase. However, these are the tools that I recommend fully and have helped me physically and mentally, (I`m in my mid 50`s) and have helped my blog tremendously.These affiliate companies are Transparent Labs,Wolfson Brand, SellHealth, HealthyGen, and MarketHealth, all well-known recognized companies with a solid reputation and the best products on the market.

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About Me

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San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States
Experienced Personal Trainer with a demonstrated history of working in the health wellness and fitness industry. Skilled in Weight Loss Coaching, Agility, Exercise Prescription, Injury Prevention, and Nutrition. Strong community and social services, professional graduated from Pont. Catholic University of Puerto Rico.I`m a personal trainer and bodybuilder, having competed in many bodybuilding shows nationally and internationally, with a solid knowledge in exercise,nutrition, and sports supplements.

Affiliate Disclosure

Welcome to my exercise and nutrition and affiliate supplement blog! Here, I aim to provide you with access to high-quality supplements that can support your health and fitness goals. I have personally researched and selected these supplements based on their reputation, ingredient quality, and effectiveness. The supplements I recommend are sourced from reputable brands known for their commitment to quality and safety. They undergo rigorous testing and adhere to industry standards to ensure purity and potency. These supplements are formulated with scientifically-backed ingredients that are known to have beneficial effects on various aspects of health and fitness. I believe in these supplements because I have personally used them and experienced positive results. They have helped me achieve my fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, I have received positive feedback from others who have tried these products. Please note that individual results may vary, and it's always important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. I may earn a small commission from purchases made through these affiliate links, which helps support the maintenance and growth of this platform. I appreciate your trust in my recommendations, and I'm committed to providing valuable information and products that can enhance your fitness journey. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out. Stay healthy and strong!