"" Rambo Body Fitness – Build Muscle, Burn Fat, Get Strong: 15 Sources of Lean Protein


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Friday, November 22, 2024

15 Sources of Lean Protein

You are already aware that any diet must have protein. But choose lean foods to keep your heart and weight in check.

The American Heart Association cautions that most Americans consume significantly more protein than they require, despite the fact that it is an essential macronutrient. According to the American Heart Association, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention advises that 10 to 35 percent of your calories should be from protein, or around 46 grams (g) for adult women and 56 g for adult males.
Lean protein sources contain less than 10 grams of total fat and 4.5 grams or less of saturated fat per 100 grams, or 3.5 ounces (oz), according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
Are you prepared to move to leaner protein sources? These 15 foods are rich in the macronutrient; give them a try.

1. Turkey

The USDA states that 4 ounces of raw ground turkey is a healthy source of lean protein because it has approximately 167 calories, 22.3 g of protein, 2.3 g of saturated fat, and 8.7 g of fat.[7]
Turkey works well in tacos, chili, and even meatballs as a beef or chicken alternative. However, turkey is not flawless.

According to Mark Windle, RD, a nutritionist in Banbury, UK, "turkey is very lean and includes B vitamins, selenium, zinc, and phosphorus, but it is not high in iron like red meat is." Additionally, 4 ounces contain 24.7 milligrams (mg) of selenium (45 percent of the DV), 2.6 mg of zinc (23 percent of the DV), and 0.18 micrograms (mcg) of vitamin B2, or roughly 14 percent of the DV, according to the USDA.

The National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that zinc can strengthen the immune system, while the most recent research from the Mayo Clinic indicates that B vitamins aid increase blood circulation while helping to the creation of red blood cells and healthy brain function.

2. Chicken

When it comes to protein sources, you may feel good about eating chicken. According to Nieves, choose skinless breasts for a high-protein, low-fat option.
A small skinless chicken breast has 160 calories, 36 grams of protein, 1 gram of saturated fat, and 2.5 grams of total fat, according to the USDA.

3. Lean Ground Beef

If you are watching your fat intake, you may be tempted to exclude beef from your diet. Lean protein can be found in beef, though, if you choose your cuts more carefully.

According to the USDA, 3 ounces of lean beef contains around 164 calories, 22.3 grams of protein, 3.1 grams of saturated fat, and 7.6 grams of total fat.[11] It also contains 2.4 mg of iron and 2.1 mcg of vitamin B12.

Despite red meat's poor reputation over the years, Nieves argues that ground beef that is at least 90% lean and round steak or top sirloin can also be included in a balanced diet. "The body requires iron and vitamin B12 to make new red blood cells, and red meat is an excellent supply of both," she explains. According to the NIH, beef and other animal products naturally contain vitamin B12.

4. Beans and Legumes

According to Nieves, lean plant-based proteins like beans and legumes are inherently cholesterol-free and rich in fiber, folate, and phytates, a plant-based antioxidant that may help lower the risk of heart disease, high blood pressure, and several types of cancer.

About 134.5 calories, 7.3 g of protein, 0.2 g of saturated fat, 2.1 g of total fat, and 6.3 g of fiber are included in ½ cup of chickpeas, according to the USDA.

According to one study, consuming 50 g of legumes a day is associated with a lower risk of heart disease and all-cause mortality, even though the average American only consumes 22 g of legumes daily. According to another site, legumes have also been demonstrated to lower high blood pressure, lessen the risk of type 2 diabetes, and aid in weight control, most likely as a result of their dietary fiber.

5. Low-Fat Milk

According to the USDA, a cup of low-fat (1 percent) milk contains around 106 calories, 8.3 g of protein, 1.4 g of saturated fat, and 2.3 g of total fat.[16]
If you can handle dairy, you can also get lean protein from low-fat milk. It also includes calcium for strong bones and teeth, but for a lean supply, Windle advises looking at low-fat varieties that are still nutrient-dense.

6. Plain Low-Fat Greek Yogurt

Plain low-fat Greek yogurt is another dairy product that is a fantastic source of lean protein. According to the USDA, a 7-oz container contains around 146 calories, 19.9 g of protein, 2.5 g of saturated fat, and 3.8 g of total fat. For about the same amount of fat (2.3 g saturated and 3.5 g total), there is nearly twice as much protein as plain low-fat yogurt (11.9 g protein).

Yogurt is not just delicious, though. According to Windle, the live cultures in yogurt aid in stabilizing the good gut flora that is typically found in the colon. According to the Cleveland Clinic, this can enhance gut function, which may lessen the symptoms of eczema, constipation, yeast infections, and irritable bowel syndrome.

7. Salmon

Another wise choice for lean animal protein is seafood, which has lower levels of saturated fat and cholesterol than any other animal protein and is full of heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, according to Kleiner.

A meta-analysis found that eating fish at least once a week is associated with a 15% lower risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than people who do not eat fish.[20]. Additionally, consuming fish has been linked to a decreased risk of developing diabetes.

A 3-oz portion of salmon contains 121 calories, 17 g of protein, 0.8 g of saturated fat, and 5.4 g of total fat, making it an especially good lean protein food choice in the seafood section, according to the USDA.[21] As Kleiner goes on, "High-protein, low-fat foods like salmon offer you the strength you need to push through a workout."

8. Tuna

There are other lean protein seafoods besides salmon. According to Nieves, tuna also fits into this category because it is high in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids, which help to prevent inflammation and protect your heart. The Cleveland Clinic states that a 3-oz portion of tuna contains 1 g of omega-3 fatty acids.

According to Kleiner, one of the best seafood for protein is tuna. A hundred grams of canned light tuna in water with the solids drained contains 86 calories, 19 grams of protein, 0.2 grams of saturated fat, and 1 gram of total fat, according to the USDA.

However, according to information from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, some tuna varieties have a tendency to be high in mercury and have higher mercury contents than other fish species. Overexposure to mercury can result in mercury poisoning.

For adults, the Environmental Defense Fund advises consuming tuna no more than three times a month. The recommended serving size for canned tuna is 6 ounces for women and 8 ounces for men.

9. Tofu

A mainstay of many vegan and vegetarian diets, tofu is a soybean product. According to Nieves, it is also a good source of plant-based protein that offers sufficient levels of each important amino acid. "It is naturally cholesterol-free and an excellent option for people who avoid eating animal products," she says. According to the USDA, a half-cup portion of tofu contains 181 calories, 21.8 g of protein, 1.6 g of saturated fat, and 11 g of total fat.

Tofu is manufactured from soy, which contains isoflavones, which are antioxidants that may provide some protection against cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke, according to a research paper.

10. Cottage Cheese

Cottage cheese is frequently smeared on crackers and used in lasagna. It is also a good source of calcium, in case you did not know. According to the USDA, a half-cup of cottage cheese contains around 92.5 calories, 12.1 g of protein, 1.4 g of saturated fat, 2.5 g of total fat, and 113.5 milligrams of calcium.

11. Pork Loin

Perhaps tonight you do not feel like eating meat, turkey, or chicken. If you choose the correct cut, pork can also be a lean protein option.
According to the USDA, a 4-oz pork loin contains around 188 calories, 24.1% protein, 3.1 g saturated fat, and 9.4% total fat.[29]  Additionally, it has 27 mg of magnesium (6.4 percent of the DV), 2 mg of zinc (17 percent of the DV), and 405 mg of potassium (8.6 percent of the DV).

Nieves states that lean pork cuts like loin and chop, such as sirloin roasts, pork chops, pork tenderloin, or pork loin, are excellent sources of lean protein because they are low in fat.

12. Eggs

74 calories, 6.2 g protein, 1.6 g saturated fat, and 5 g total fat are included in one large whole egg, according to the USDA. This is in contrast to one large egg white, which contains 0.06 g of total fat, 3.6 g of protein, and around 17 calories.

Because eggs are inherently high in cholesterol, there are worries that eating them for breakfast could make heart disease more likely. But according to the Mayo Clinic, findings from research examining the connection between eggs and heart disease have been mixed. More research is required because some studies have shown a correlation while others have not.

In addition to being a source of lean protein, eggs also contain carotenoid antioxidants (lutein and zeaxanthin), which may help prevent macular degeneration, according to Nieves, despite their unjustified bad image. According to a study, eating two to four eggs a week may lower your risk of developing age-related macular degeneration.

The American Optometric Association claims that these carotenoids support healthy eye cells and shield the eyes from intense light.

13. Nuts

Although nuts do include some fat, it is a very healthy fat. They are a good source of protein and low in saturated fat. If you are serious about losing weight, try using powdered peanut butter.

According to the USDA, one ounce of ground almonds contains 14.1 g of total fat, 6 g of protein, 1.1 g of saturated fat, and 164 calories.[35] They also contain zero milligrams of cholesterol, which is a benefit. 

14. Edamame

Edamame, a traditional Japanese snack made from young soybeans, is another excellent source of lean protein. A half-cup of prepared frozen beans contains just 4.1 g of total fat, less than 0.5 g of saturated fat, and 9.2 g of protein in roughly 94 calories, according to the USDA.

"Isoflavones, which are similar to the hormone estrogen in humans, are abundant in immature, young soybeans. Accordingly, edamame is a contentious food because excessive estrogen levels are believed to raise the chance of developing certain malignancies, such as breast cancer, Windle cautions.

In one trial, 140 newly diagnosed breast cancer patients were given either soy protein or a soy-protein-like placebo to consume for two to three weeks.

Following the trial, the ladies underwent surgery to remove the cancer. The women in the soy protein group exhibited genetic alterations that could lead to the regrowth of cancer when researchers reexamined their breast tissue, indicating that soy may encourage breast cancer in certain individuals.

However, there is conflicting research on this topic. Windle adds that edamame may potentially have a minor preventive effect against breast cancer. (The latter potential advantage is noted by the American Cancer Society.) To say one side or the other, more research is required.

15. Quinoa

Are you trying to find a lean protein alternative to rice? If so, the USDA states that a 44-g serving of quinoa (about ¼ cup) has 160 calories, 5 g of protein, no saturated fat, and 2.5 g of total fat.[39] With 2 g in a serving of the same size (8 percent of the DV), it is also a good source of fiber as a whole grain.

The secret of this so-called superfood's abilities may lie in its dietary fiber: The Mayo Clinic says it may help prevent diabetes and is associated with a healthier weight.[40] 

The Final Thought

The key to human health is protein. Protein, which is found in bones, muscles, skin, and blood, can give people a feeling of fullness and energy.

It is preferable to eat meals that are high in protein but low in saturated fat because certain high-protein foods are also high in saturated fat, which raises the risk of heart disease.

Among the top 15 lean protein sources are chicken, legumes, and plain low-fat Greek yogurt.

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