Athletes in all sports have done their weight training during the period of time immediately preceding their competitive season. However, athletes have learned that year-round training has it`s advantages, which are fewer sports-related injuries and bigger, faster, and stronger athletes.
However, it would be foolish to try to lift as much as you can all year long. You can burn out, overtrain, and probably injure yourself. The best way for an athlete to train would be to break down the year into periods or cycles.
Cycle 1: Conditioning
Conditioning prepares your body for the heavier training to follow. During the conditioning phase, you can do the same exercises but use less weight, higher reps, and less rest time between sets.
Conditioning prepares your body for the heavier training to follow. During the conditioning phase, you can do the same exercises but use less weight, higher reps, and less rest time between sets.
Cycle 2: Strength
These routines should give you a great deal of strength that will translate into improved athletic performance when you learn the necessary sports skills through which your new strength will be channeled.
Cycle 3: Power
Power is the combination of strength and speed. To acquire power, you need to use heavy weights for sets of 4–8 reps. You should try to move the weights as quickly and explosively as possible with each rep, even though they will move slowly because you are using heavy weights.
Here's an example of a good power-building routine:
1) Conditioning
Duration: 4-6 weeks Workouts/week: 3
2) Strength
Duration: 8-10 weeks
Workouts/week: 3-5
3) Power
Duration: 6-8 weeks
Workouts/week: 3
In the off-season, you should begin with Cycle 1, then alternate Cycles 2 and 3 for the rest of your off-season cycle.
By following these bodybuilding cycles for a year, alternating the three cycles discussed, you will find yourself in much better shape. If you want to improve your athletic performance, try bodybuilding. Your chances of becoming a successful athlete are greatly increased by following these three training cycles.
1) Sit-up
Sets 2-3 Repetitions 20-30
2) Leg Raise
Sets 2-3 Reps 20-30
3) Squats
Sets 4 Reps 5-6
4) Leg Curl
Sets 3 Reps 6-8
5) Deadlift ( once a week)
Sets 3 Reps 4-6
6) Bent-Over Barbell Row
Sets 4 Reps 6-8
7) Barbell Shrug
Sets 3 Reps 8-10
8) Bent-Arm Pullover
Sets 3 Reps 4-6
9) Bench Press
Sets 4 Reps 6-8
10) Military Press
Sets 3-4 Reps 4-6
11) Lying Triceps French Press
Sets 3 Reps 6-8
12) Barbell Curl
Sets 3 Reps 6-8
13) Barbell Wrist Curl
Sets 3 Reps 10-15
14) Standing Calf Raise
Sets 4 Reps 8-12
Here are more examples of strength-building programs that you can follow for a few different sports. Remember, strength-building comprises the major portion of your off-season athletic training. During the conditioning phase, you can do the same exercises with higher reps and lighter weight—work fast to develop condition. In the power phase, you will very seldom do more than eight reps, since you want power. Lower reps build power and strength and increase speed. You can do the same programs outlined here. Just keep your reps between four and
Bodybuilding for Baseball
Here's an example of an exercise routine for baseball. These specific exercises are targeted for the majority of the muscle groups used for this sport, specifically the shoulder area and the forearms (wrist curls and reverse curls).
3 Days Per Week
Warm-up and Stretching Exercises First
Military Press
Sets 3 Reps 10
Lateral Raise
Sets 3 Reps 8-10
Tricep Pressdown
Sets 3 Reps 8-10
Barbell Curl
Sets 2 Reps 12
Reverse Curl
Sets 2 Reps 12
Upright Row
Sets 2 Reps 12
Foward Wrist Curl
Sets 2 Reps 25
Reverse Wrist Curl
Sets 2 Reps 25
Sets 2 Reps 25
Leg Extension
Sets 2 Reps 10
Leg Curl
Sets 2 Reps 10
Calf Raise
Sets 2 Reps 20
Stretch and Cool-Down Exercises
Bodybuilding for Basketball
O.k., so you want to be a basketball player, fine.
But your feeling a little sluggish, a little weak, well, I got just what you need to get on the right track.
Thanks to strength training, your game can improve dramatically within a matter of weeks. Of course, you have to practice and train on the court as well. Weight training won't make you a better player. However, it WILL help you improve in the sense that you will have more stamina, strength, speed, and resistance. If you don't want to take my word for it, and I think you should, due to the fact that I've worked with the best basketball athletes in Puerto Rico, you can ask any pro in any sport, and he or she will tell you that it is a fact that weight resistance training is a major factor and advantage in their professional or amateur careers.
So, here's an example of a weight resistance training routine for basketball.
3 Days per Week
Warm-Up Exercises and Stretching First
Bench Press
Warm-up Set 1 Reps 8-10
Military Press
Sets 3 Reps 6
Bent-Over Barbell Row
Sets 3 Reps 6-8
Triceps Pressdown
Sets 3 Reps 8
Barbell Curl
Sets 2 Reps 10
Upright Row
Sets 3 Reps 8-10
Sets 3 Reps 10
Leg Extension
Sets 4 Reps 10
Leg Curl
Sets 4 Reps 10
Calf Raise
Sets 3 Reps 15
Wrist Curl (Regular and Reverse)
Sets 2 Reps 25 each way
Sets 2 Reps 30
Stretch and Cool-Down Exercises
By following these bodybuilding cycles for a year, alternating the three cycles discussed, you will find yourself in much better shape. If you want to improve your athletic performance, try bodybuilding. Your chances of becoming a successful athlete are greatly increased by following these three training cycles.
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