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Saturday, April 10, 2021

The Benefits of Weightlifting

I was into the martial arts and training with weights was extremely beneficial. It gave me that extra incentive that I needed, especially during competition. It added strength and power to my kicks and punches, as well as resistance. It also helped me take a punch or a kick as well. And  believe me, I got kicked and punched a lot.

From martial arts, it took me to bodybuilding, where not only the benefits were building a body to be proud of, but also made me flourish in all aspects of life. It made me more confident, more productive at work, and eventually a more happier person. 

As a trainer, I've had the blessing of having the experience training professional athletes, from baseball to basketball, to boxing. I'm a witness to the success of these athletes and the benefits of weightlifting in their careers.

In the sport of life, I've also witnessed how weight training has benefited lots of people that I've trained, that have had either health issues or personal issues, or both. 
And of course, I speak from my own experience,  regarding a serious accident I suffered back in 2002. I thank God first and foremost, and secondly, I thank weighttraining.

It took a serious toll on my body and mind. It deprived me from working out for a year. It ruined my plans to get a pro card in bodybuilding. sustained serious injuries, including herniated discs, spinal fracture, and emotionally I was devastated.

But after that year I got up determined to get to a gym and work for my own sake and health.

So it wasn't just about bodybuilding anymore. It was about battling pain, frustration, and the inner demons crawling in my mind. Depression can be a bitch, and sometimes you have to deal with it the hard way. 

Weight training has its major benefits when dealing with health issues, especially mental issues. For starters, I stopped medicating for depression. My mindset got stronger. It made me overcome physical and emotional challenges. It has made me want to see it all through the end. 

So as you can see, weight training is not just beneficial in terms of having a great body, or having the knowledge and experience in the personal training field for bodybuilding or any sport, but the health benefits are even greater.

The best medicine for physical and mental health, in my opinion. 

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