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Tuesday, August 31, 2021

Sexual Performance and Penis Size


Sexual Performance and Penis Size

Men complaining about how small their penises are is proof that men do care about size. Aside from comparison purposes, penis size talk is mainly showing off how much self-esteem or confidence men really have in themselves. The moment you realize that your penis just doesn't quite measure up compared to other men pulls your confidence down and makes you just want to shut yourself off from the world.

Aside from self-confidence, men are concerned about their penis sizes because they believe that size affects the rendering of satisfaction to their partners during sex. Though some claim that this is just a myth, most ladies and gentlemen prefer big sizes to have a more pleasurable sexual experience. One reason perceived by many is that a larger penis tends to hit the right buttons inside a female effortlessly—something that you would want to happen to your female partner. Another reason for the common preference for a bigger penis is that it beats the arousal that a woman can get from playing with the clitoris, which is seen as the most delicate part of the female body; the whole experience is just simply not the same without something inside her.

Best male enhancement supplement

Men care about size because they know that a tiny penis has certain disadvantages and can really have an impact on how they perform in bed. For instance, a longer penis is more capable of hard erection than a smaller one. Most men encounter erection problems such as erectile dysfunction, which is also referred to as a weak erection. If you are suffering from this abnormality and you cannot get it up as expected in bed, your partner will look for another mate the next time around. On the other hand, if you have an erection but just can't sustain it, the situation is still a symptom of a weak erection and may similarly lead your girlfriend to find another someone to play with.

The same thing could also be said if you are experiencing premature ejaculation. If you have a small penis, you are also more likely to suffer from coming or ejaculating too quickly without caring if your partner reaches an orgasm or not. Though this condition can be brought about by several factors, such as stress or overwhelming emotions, there is no doubt that size and sexual performance would still be considered and affected.

With all these problems and concerns, what do you think you should do next? The best advice from doctors is to get the most efficient tool for your penis enlargement goal. But if you hate penis pumps or a penis enlargement surgery, you can indulge in supplements or pills like the VigRX PlusTM. The supplements are 100% safe, mainly because of their natural ingredients. Usually, penis enlargement supplements are made of herbs, which come from countries like South America and China and are trusted even by the medical community. Cuscuta Seed Extract and Muira Pauma Bark Extract are just some of the fine herbs that experts combined to produce one capsule that will contain everything that a man needs.

Best male enhancement supplement

Other than the components of the supplement, you must also ensure its promise of results. Doctors often recommend supplements, such as the VigRX PlusTM, because of its quick effects. Clinical psychologist Dr. Michael A. Carter said that he prescribes this kind of supplement to his patients who want to have a bigger member. After using the supplement for a week or two, he said that his patients come back to him to tell him the positive changes in their lives. Aside from their patients, doctors themselves also use the VigRX PlusTM and other supplements, just like Dr. Khalid Alzwahereh. For him, a supplement that contains natural ingredients increases a man's sexual energy, libido, and improves his erection.

Solutions to sexual performance and penis size, like VigRX supplements, are not absolute but can certainly be tremendous help in addressing what your woman needs in her man. By making sure that they meet your body's necessary requirements, supplements can always be the option that you can try. After all, any man surely encounters a lot of problems in life, but among the worst are the ones concerning his penis and sex life.

You can also look at it this way: more often than not, a man who worries about his male organ and how he will face a woman with a small size somehow pretends that penis size does not matter. But pretending and ignoring the real issue does not make it go away. The best solution to your penis size problem is to accept the truth and do something about it. Why not consider trying a supplement, becoming more confident, and ultimately, taking the best girl home? There's no better way to enjoy sex than having the best.

Best sexual male enhancement for better sex and energy.

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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Shoulder Workout

Here are basic shoulder exercise movements for muscle mass and definition. 

Repetitions should be done with controlled movements. Use weight that can be controlled. If you can press 300 lbs. and bust at least 10 reps then good for you. If you can barely get 2 reps don't waste your time. Avoid injury. Lower the weight and get those reps. Women can also do this workout. Get that intensity you're looking for with the reps. Look for muscle fatigue. That's how to do it in order to get results. 

Get that cardio in and good nutrition together with good supplements. 

Military Press On Smith Machine

4 sets 12-15 reps

Shoulder Press Machine

3 sets 12-15 reps

Lateral Dumbbell Raise

4 sets 12-15 reps

Front Dumbbell Raise

4 sets 12-15 reps

Rear Delt Machine

4 sets 12-15 reps

Dumbbell Shrugs 

4 sets 12-15 reps

Till next time,

Personal Trainer//Fitness Instructor//Bodybuilder//Exercise and Nutrition Tips//Supplement Advocate


Raspberry ketone has been a hot topic of discussion in both mainstream and natural health media.



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San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States
Experienced Personal Trainer with a demonstrated history of working in the health wellness and fitness industry. Skilled in Weight Loss Coaching, Agility, Exercise Prescription, Injury Prevention, and Nutrition. Strong community and social services, professional graduated from Pont. Catholic University of Puerto Rico.I`m a personal trainer and bodybuilder, having competed in many bodybuilding shows nationally and internationally, with a solid knowledge in exercise,nutrition, and sports supplements.

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Welcome to my exercise and nutrition and affiliate supplement blog! Here, I aim to provide you with access to high-quality supplements that can support your health and fitness goals. I have personally researched and selected these supplements based on their reputation, ingredient quality, and effectiveness. The supplements I recommend are sourced from reputable brands known for their commitment to quality and safety. They undergo rigorous testing and adhere to industry standards to ensure purity and potency. These supplements are formulated with scientifically-backed ingredients that are known to have beneficial effects on various aspects of health and fitness. I believe in these supplements because I have personally used them and experienced positive results. They have helped me achieve my fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, I have received positive feedback from others who have tried these products. Please note that individual results may vary, and it's always important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. I may earn a small commission from purchases made through these affiliate links, which helps support the maintenance and growth of this platform. I appreciate your trust in my recommendations, and I'm committed to providing valuable information and products that can enhance your fitness journey. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out. Stay healthy and strong!