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Friday, October 22, 2021

Over exercising: What Does It Mean and How to Stop

The key to a workout routine that makes you feel energized, clear-minded, and fit, is moderate exercise.

But the more is better motto can drastically take a toll on your body and health, experiencing burnout as well.

Read on for advice and good workouts, and how to give your body a break.

The difference between overexercising and burnout.

Burnout means you are physically and/or mentally overtrained. It can be caused by something as simple as not taking any rest days to having no motivation to workout. You might also feel constantly fatigued, hit an exercise plateau, or find yourself bored during each and every workout.

Burnout is normal, and can typically be avoided by keeping workouts to a few days a week with plenty of rest in between. On the other hand, over-exercising marks something a bit more serious.

When your body exercises, cellular damage occurs. This is because you are training to some degree past your comfort zone, which results in your body adapting to become stronger. So, for a time after exercise, you’ll typically feel sore, or fatigued. Your body then needs time to rebuild the damage to become stronger. If you cause a significant amount of stress to your body while it has not had time to repair itself, overtraining occurs.

Burnout and over-exercising can exist separately, but occasionally over-exercising can cause burnout. This is where you should consider reevaluating your exercise habits.

You know you are over-exercising when you stop paying attention to what your body is telling you (aches and pains) and continue to exercise hard despite that. A conscientious and thoughtful exerciser pays attention to signals and feedback from the body and the mind. An over-exerciser tunes out feedback from these sources.

Common signs of overexercising

The most common signal that you may be working out too much involves feeling like you have to work out on a daily basis.

Other signs of overexercising include:

-Canceling plans with friends or family because you have to exercise
-Exercising when feeling fatigued or sick
-Constantly thinking about exercise
-Logging your run times, exercise routine, or calories burned
-Feeling guilty when unable to exercise
-Exercising against doctor’s advice

Pay attention to the quality of your ongoing workouts as well. So, look for things like:

-No motivation
-More fatigued
-Lower performance
-Trouble sleeping
-No progress even after adjusting your workout more than once

Muscle soreness that lasts longer than expected, or muscles that were not worked out that are also sore, are signs your body likely needs a break.

Overexercising can become a disorder.

Exercise addiction, a level up from overexercising, is a real disorder which requires treatment by a trained mental health professional.

The good news? Exercising everyday is not necessarily problematic. Exercise can be a wonderful outlet for stress and can help with depression and anxiety.The feeling of having to exercise only becomes a problem when it interferes with other healthy aspects of life, when an individual feels compelled to exercise despite being injured or when body weight becomes low and unhealthy.

Like anything else, exercise is great in moderation, and only an issue when done in excess.

Good tips for recovering from a period of overexercising.

First things first: rest.
We all have different bodies, and we all respond differently to training styles. Still, you always want to take rest day.
Adequate rest time keeps your metabolism and hormone levels on par, and lets your body repair itself. Nevertheless, the importance of nutrition must be emphasized , so beware of exercising every day in combination with cutting too many calories or macronutrients.
Adequate rest, as well as higher protein intake (this protein tastes the best), excellent hydration, and sleep, are the best resources for combating overtraining and burnout. View over-exercising as an opportunity to reassess your fitness routine as a whole, or perhaps engage in other activities such as meditation, reading, or listening to music.
Above all, give yourself permission to take a break—exercise isn’t an obligation, it’s a chance to move your body in a fun, enjoyable way to build strength and reduce stress. When you’re ready to get back at it again, give any of our workouts here a try.

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Exercise and Nutrition1 is dedicated to fitness, sports and health. I want to give my readers information about how to achieve their physical goals and how to obtain maximum benefits from exercise, supplements and nutrition. My main goal is to help you understand how to perform exercises the best and safest way possible, what exercise routine works better for a certain sport or goal, and how to improve your body throughout nutritional tips as well as staying healthy. As a blogger, my content may include affiliate links from advertisers. I may earn money from actions readers take on these links when and if they purchase. However, these are the tools that I recommend fully and have helped me physically and mentally, (I`m in my mid 50`s) and have helped my blog tremendously.These affiliate companies are Transparent Labs,Wolfson Brand, SellHealth, HealthyGen, and MarketHealth, all well-known recognized companies with a solid reputation and the best products on the market.

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San Juan, Puerto Rico, United States
Experienced Personal Trainer with a demonstrated history of working in the health wellness and fitness industry. Skilled in Weight Loss Coaching, Agility, Exercise Prescription, Injury Prevention, and Nutrition. Strong community and social services, professional graduated from Pont. Catholic University of Puerto Rico.I`m a personal trainer and bodybuilder, having competed in many bodybuilding shows nationally and internationally, with a solid knowledge in exercise,nutrition, and sports supplements.

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Welcome to my exercise and nutrition and affiliate supplement blog! Here, I aim to provide you with access to high-quality supplements that can support your health and fitness goals. I have personally researched and selected these supplements based on their reputation, ingredient quality, and effectiveness. The supplements I recommend are sourced from reputable brands known for their commitment to quality and safety. They undergo rigorous testing and adhere to industry standards to ensure purity and potency. These supplements are formulated with scientifically-backed ingredients that are known to have beneficial effects on various aspects of health and fitness. I believe in these supplements because I have personally used them and experienced positive results. They have helped me achieve my fitness goals and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Additionally, I have received positive feedback from others who have tried these products. Please note that individual results may vary, and it's always important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen. I may earn a small commission from purchases made through these affiliate links, which helps support the maintenance and growth of this platform. I appreciate your trust in my recommendations, and I'm committed to providing valuable information and products that can enhance your fitness journey. If you have any questions or need further guidance, feel free to reach out. Stay healthy and strong!