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Biceps Workout

Biceps workout for muscle mass, strength and definition.

Big biceps, top guns, huge massive arms, is not an easy task. Take it from me, I know what I'm talking about. 

Been there, done that, whatever. The truth of the matter is, that no matter how you want to put it, you have to work and work HARD.
There is no space for bitchin' and moanin'. Nobody likes a whiner. You're a bodybuilder by choice. If it were easy, everybody would do it.
So here are a few basic arm blasting exercises, and I suggest you shut up, suck it up, and work hard.



With your back straight, knees 
slightly bent just to keep the pressure off your lower back, and elbows next to your hips, proceed to lift curl the bar towards your chest in a controlled manner, lower the bar back to the starting point without locking your elbows to avoid injury, especially if you go heavy on this one. 3 sets of 10-12 would do the trick.


When curling towards you, make
sure that you really squeeze the biceps at the top of the
movement in order to feel the biceps and to make them grow. If you don't feel it working or simply put, it's just to damn light, add some extra resistance. Slap more weight on that bar son!!

Make it worth , every rep, every set. Keep it intense. That's what I mean about working hard!

Dumbbell Bicep Curls


One of my favorits,this one can be done standing or sitting ontes, a bench, as long as you do it hard! I would say that the only advantage you have standing up is that you can go heavier on the cheating reps, you know the ones you do with your body trying to impulse the weight, rather than sitting on the bench where there is little or no cheating at all and you tend to isolate the muscle using more of a strict form. 3 sets of 10-12 hard repetitions is good enough to get the job done.

Dumbbell Bicep Curls

Raise one dumbbell to the point of 
contraction. Upon lowering the dumbbell back to the starting
point, raise the other, in alternate fashion of course, applying the same amount of repetitions on each side.


And now for the finishing touch. You must be asking yourself, "why"? After all, by now your biceps must feel like they're going to rip out of your skin. However, this one is a MUST DO, since it`s the one that gives you that peak look in the biceps, and not to mention overall shape and density. 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions is recommended.

Remember, nothing is easy without hard work and effort. To succeed is to be determined . Nothing is for free. Work hard, train hard, and achieve your goals.
Till next time,

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