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Triceps Workout

Tricep workouts are one of my favorites. These are, in my book, the best exercises for the tricep area.

Close Grip Bench Press

Close Grip Bench Press

The close grip bench press is the one I usually pick first, starting with a warm up set or two, then I do 3 sets of 8-12 reps with more added weight and with very strict form.
Grab the bar shoulder width. Lower the bar towards the center of your chest without bouncing it off your chest and bring it back up locking your elbows. 
I remember when I started working out back in 1986, the gym instructor taught me this exercise for triceps and I did it every single time I would work on my triceps. It never failed, my triceps were getting bigger and stronger.
The women can also benefit from this exercise. Women really hate flabby arms, so this exercise is the best to avoid or to get rid of flabby arms.

Lying Triceps Extensions

Lying triceps extensions are also a great way to build your tris. These are also commonly known as "skull crushers" because you have to lower the bar very close to your head, but please do not bash your head with the bar. Try doing 3 sets of 10-12 repetitions. And please, grab the bar tight. You don`t want to literally crush your skull.
Also, lower the bar slowly so that you can make a stop before banging your forehead with the bar. Remember guys and gals, safety is first. On all these exercises, women can also benefit, and should not be afraid of getting too muscular. Just do 3 sets of 12-15 reps with light weight to tone and define the muscle, instead of adding muscle. For those women who are into bodybuilding and DO want to add muscle size and strength, knock yourselves out.

Lying Triceps Extensions

For those of you who want to add more muscle size , it is crucial to add more resistance. In other words, slap some more weight to that bar son!
Of course, you must emphasize on strict form. If you can do heavy workouts and use strict form, by all means do so. However, if your workout turns sloppy, and your executing a movement just for the sake of it, I suggest you remove weight in order to both correct the exercise and to avoid the hospital.

Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Tricep Dumbbell

Next would be the Over Head Dumbbell Press, or Dumbbell Triceps Extension. This exercise is great for adding detail to the tricep.
Try to keep your arm straight, and your elbow pointing towards the ceilling, so that you can totally feel the tricep muscle working. This one I like doing with moderate weight, but if you can handle heavy and strict and get 3 sets of 10-12 reps, that`s sweet.

Dumbbell Triceps Extension

Lock your elbows in order to completely contract the muscle and really feel the burning sensation. That`s the way you know it's working, the burning sensation. 
Don`t be too harsh when locking your elbow, you don`t want to hyper extend it causing a serious injury. Take it easy to the top and sort of like squeeze it in.
I suggest you don`t drop it either. When lowering the dumbbell, use paused movements. Don`t rush it, that`s if you don`t want to crack your head open or fracture your cervical, cause that`s whats going to happen if you do this in a hurry.
Work hard, sacrifice, and be bold in order to achieve your physical goals, and most important, be safe.
Till next time, 

Till next time,

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