Studies have consistently shown that exercising to music helps pass the time, increases motivation, and decreases sensations of pain and discomfort.
As a mood enhancer, music might even motivate you to push yourself harder during your workout. Music helps us get into an altered state of consciousness commonly called "flow," which is characterized by complete immersion in the activity and a sense of effortlessness.
Picking the right music is a personal choice. Studies have shown that any kind of music, from pop to classical, can enhance mood and make your workout more enjoyable. Slow music tends to be relaxing and lowers the heart rate, so it is better used to reduce anxiety before a competition than for motivating you to optimal performance.
Generally, researchers advise picking music that is upbeat and matches the tempo of the exercise you are doing. Or choose by theme: Remember those songs from Rocky, by that rock group Survivor? That's great motivation right there pal! Also, the music from Chariots of Fire, or other music associated with sports tend to produce positive, nostalgic feelings.
Keep the music loud enough to block out other auditory distractions so that it becomes a central focus of your attention, unless you're running or biking in highly congested areas where you'd want to be aware of nearby traffic.
Get motivated! Be inspired! Workout to music!
Till next time,
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