This is a back workout for muscle mass, strength and definition.
O.K. I`m going to start right off the bat. If your back is considered a weak part, put it in first place on your workouts. Get a better stretch, do both concentric and eccentric movements ( the positive and negative movements), and go heavier as long as you can control the weight.
Because you can`t see your back, you need to develop an instinct on how to feel it working. That doesn`t come automatically with using heavy weights, however. First, start light, and when your form allows it, work up to a heavier weight.
Bodybuilding is about repetition. If you can`t get 12 reps, do six. Pick a number you can get on your own. Start off with a small goal but strive to get 12, then increase the weight.
Width is usually the hardest aspect of back development to attain. A good back exercise for width would be pull-ups. Also, close grip reverse pull downs are great. So is the hammer strength rowing machine.
Don`t shy away from any back exercise. Bent-over rows and deadlifts are great. Don`t be afraid of doing them because they are considered dangerous. Do them with very strict form and movements.
Alternate back exercises. If you do lat pull-downs, close-grip seated rows and deadlifts, alternate your next back workout with bent-over barbell rows, dumbbell rows, and seated cable rows. I usually warm-up with pull-ups always, so that`s alright to repeat.
One more thing. If you want to see results on any workout or any aspect in your athletic achievements, don`t expect to go out drinking the night before and not lose your cookies when training, especially if you have an aggresive and very hardcore training partner. I assure you that when people workout with me, they make sure not to come in the gym feeling like crap. Instead, they have there mind set and focused on what`s coming to them. So don`t screw it up. If you really want results, if you`re really serious about succeeding, on every aspect in life, keep focused, forget about alcohol, live a healthy lifestyle. Bodybuilding is a lifestyle.
Try to go up as far as touching the bar with your chest. When you come back down, don`t lock your elbows. This is not an easy exercise for everybody to do, so I suggest 3 sets of 5-10 for beginners, 10-12 for stronger individuals. I guarantee after dominating this exercise you will see a difference in your back. Women can do 2 sets of as many as possible.
This one is considered the mother of back workouts. There are so many exercises that can be done with this machine; Front lat pulldowns, back pulls, v-bar, close-grip pulldowns, wide grip, reverse close grip, you name it. But for now, lets stick to the close-grip version, pulling the bar all the way to the chest area and as I mentioned earlier, pull with your elbows, squeezing the muscle at the peak of the movement. Thus provoking muscle width and thickness, if that`s what you want. I recommend 3 to 4 sets of 10-12 solid repetitions with good weight and strict form( like in the pics).
4 sets 12-15 reps Stretch at the negative movement and come back to a straight position pulling with your elbows and squeezing the positive movement. Paused movements, no jerking. Squeeze those lats and traps, cause it does work the trapezoids as well.
We now seal the workout with the bent over dumbbell rows, back straight and pull with the elbows. However , when bringing the weight towards you, bring it towards the side of your hips, not the side of your chest. Also, don`t go sideways when pulling up the dumbbell. Keep your back straight and firm so that all the weight and work be directed to the lower lats. Do 3 sets of 8-10 reps with good solid weight. Women, go light and bring in 3-4 sets of 12.
There you have it. Hope it works well for you. Remember this workout can be for women as well. If you want more definition go higher on the reps with less weight. Also, remember that cardio and proper nutrition go hand in hand when it comes to muscle definition.
Till next time,
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